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The Council on Information Technology (“CoIT”) considers issues affecting Oklahoma higher education and how technology, policies and procedures, and best practices can positively impact the State System. CoIT serves as the principal statewide advisory council rendering advice and counsel to the OSRHE in the review of current and recommended technology and related policies and procedures. In performing those responsibilities, CoIT renders service to the whole State System, including coordination with the Chief Information Officers of each institution and communicating with various bodies such as the Council on Instruction, the Council on Student Affairs, the Council of Business Officers, among others.

The CoIT also serves as a forum for information technology officers to meet and discuss matters of common interest and, when appropriate, conducts studies and issues reports designed to strengthen the mission of Oklahoma higher education institutions.

2.21.1 Membership

Members of CoIT shall be comprised of principal information technology officers (or the “top-most” information technology position) from each institutional campus and higher education center, as appropriate, in the State System. In the event the principal information technology officer is unable to participate on the council, they may propose to the chair of the council an information technology professional, from their campus, as their delegate to the council acting on their behalf. Any such proposal will be presented to the executive committee for consideration. If approved, the delegate will be considered a voting member of the council. A representative from the independent sector may be invited by the council’s executive committee to serve on the council and shall be selected from nominations provided by the council.

2.21.2 Voting Privileges

CoIT members shall have equal standing with only one vote from each of the 25 higher education institutions within the State System.

2.21.3 Officers

Officers of the CoIT shall consist of a chairperson, past chair, and chairperson-elect. Each officer shall serve a term of one fiscal year beginning July 1st and ending June 30th.

Duties of the chairperson include:

  • Preside at the CoIT meetings;
  • Prepare the agenda for CoIT meetings, with assistance from OSRHE staff; and
  • Appoint committees to study issues as needed.

The chairperson-elect shall serve in the capacity of chairperson during the absence of the chairperson. On a rotating basis (four-year/comprehensive and two-year), the chairperson-elect shall come from the nominations received from the tier whose term it is to serve as chairperson the following year. Elections will occur by email prior to the July council meeting.

Once the chairperson-elect is confirmed by a majority of the council by email, two members from each tier shall be designated (by tier) to serve on the executive committee.

2.21.4 Committees

Committees shall be chaired by a member of the CoIT as named by the executive committee, and shall meet on an as-needed or pre-defined basis.

The chairperson may recommend formation of ad-hoc committees to study specific issues of interest to the council. Non-CoIT members may be named to standing and ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary to aid in the work of the committee. Non-CoIT members that are officially named to a committee by the CoIT chairperson shall attend committee meetings and have voting privileges within that committee. Resource persons may also be named to committees by the committee chair but shall be non-voting members of the committee.

The council may form or dissolve standing committees and ad-hoc committees by a majority vote of the members present.

Standing committees shall consist of:

  • Executive Committee
  • Research & Find the Savings Committee
  • Policy and Legislative & Advocacy Committee
  • Cross-Institutional Policies and Partnerships & Shared Services Committee
  • Professional Development Committee
  • Cybersecurity and Risk Committee

Executive Committee

Develop a slate of issues to be addressed or discussed by the council during the year to ensure timely management of matters affecting technology and related university welfare. The executive committee will meet prior to each council meeting either in person or via teleconference or videoconference.

Research & Find the Savings Committee

Develop and present reports or studies pertaining to issues affecting information technology in the State System and identify opportunities for the State System to collaborate on technology purchases to generate cost savings.

Policy and Legislative & Advocacy Committee

Identify technology-related matters that have legislative implications or oversight. Provide appropriate advice and counsel, along with OSRHE staff, when needed.

Cross-Institutional Policies and Partnerships & Shared Services Committee

Identify topics and areas of potential collaboration with regard to system IT functions and responsibilities. Research and investigate relevant policies that can either facilitate expansion of institutional partnerships or hinder their formation.

Professional Development Committee

Identify opportunities for professional development of State System IT staff and share those with the council.

Cybersecurity and Risk Committee

Monitor and identify cybersecurity and risk issues that affect the State System and provide appropriate recommendations and counsel as needed.

2.21.5 Meetings

Meetings of the council shall be every two months in conjunction with State Regents’ meetings and other councils. Meeting dates shall be announced on the CoIT website at the beginning of each fiscal year.

As deemed necessary and appropriate, the council may hold meetings at other places and locations as recommended by the chairperson with the consent of council members.

Designees and non-COIT members may be invited to attend council meetings and other events when pre-approved by the council.

2.21.6 Parliamentary Procedure

The council will generally follow Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition), but strict adherence is not required.

2.21.7 Amendments

These provisions may be amended by a majority vote of the CoIT and subject to ratification by the State Regents

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

2023 CoIT Bylaws