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OneNet is Oklahoma’s Partner in Research and Scientific Discovery

Scientific discoveries at Oklahoma’s research institutions are advancing innovation in global research initiatives from high-energy physics to bioscience to climate modeling. These initiatives require high-capacity bandwidth to support big data movement in real-time across the country and around the globe.

OneNet is Oklahoma’s partner in providing the high-speed connectivity required for innovation and scientific discovery. OneNet serves as Oklahoma’s research and education network and is strategically positioned within higher education to support research computing and networking, including the following projects.

ATLAS Project

University of Oklahoma Logo

The Oklahoma Center for High Energy Physics (OCHEP) is a collaboration of researchers at the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and Langston University. OCHEP scientists are conducting research for the ATLAS project, a high-energy physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). ATLAS explores the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces that shape our universe by examining head-on collisions of protons of enormously high energy. These particle physics experiments have large data transfer requirements supported by OneNet.

“Particle physics experiments have large networking needs, since data must be transferred among scientists,” OU research scientist Horst Severini, Ph.D., said. “OneNet has been invaluable in making these fast and important data transfers possible to all our collaborating ATLAS institutions, both in the U.S. and all across the globe.”

NOAA Forecasting Testbeds

The Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS) at the University of Oklahoma periodically runs ensembles of high-resolution weather prediction forecasts covering the continental United States. These forecasts are produced on National Science Foundation High Performance Computing resources in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service testbeds, which test new forecast products in a quasi-operational setting. CAPS utilizes OneNet’s network to exchange forecasts across the country during each of these experiments.

Genomic Research

Oklahoma State University Logo

Researchers at Oklahoma State University are utilizing high-performance supercomputers and OneNet’s network to evaluate the use of fungi in biofuels, study pathogens that damage poultry populations, analyze the human genome for diseases and numerous other experiments that have real-life implications. OSU’s participation in this research is making genome mapping to scan for genetic risks like cancer a routine health assessment for everyone. OSU collaborates with researchers across the country to advance these research initiatives and requires big data movement among research partners.

Equipping Students

Oral Roberts University Logo

Oral Roberts University leverages OneNet’s network for a variety of scientific research, including molecular modeling, subatomic physics modeling, computational fluid dynamics, seismic imaging, bioinformatics and molecular spectroscopy. Low-latency, high bandwidth data motion capabilities enable researchers to participate in large-scale collaborations, moving large datasets across the state and around the world. ORU undergraduate students are gaining substantial experience that greatly enhances their skill sets and scientific understanding, making them competitive for the next step beyond graduation.

“OneNet spends the time to understand the challenges, how they are changing and proactively participates in pursuit of the solutions,” said Stephen Wheat, Ph.D., professor of Computer Science and director of ORU Research Computing and Analytics Facility. “Any institution with network connectivity challenges to the outside world would find OneNet capable of addressing their challenges.”

Read more about OneNet’s research initiatives and partnerships.